
Exploring the Globe with Passion and Purpose

About us

Laishore World Tours & Travels

Our aim to provide a unique and professional travel services to its customers and corporate travel associates in Indian / Abroad Travel Market.

We are committed to offer our valued customers the highest levels of service and expertise whilst delivering flexible customized cost-efficient travel solutions.

In the sophisticated travel world where fares and deals fluctuate every minute. It’s a big task to find the best deals, fares or combinations which is best suited for your requirement either it’s a business or leisure travel.

We maintain a healthy business relationship with major hotel chains, airlines, car rental companies, destination management companies, tour operators, travel agents and travel consolidators which gives us a wide selection of travel products from around the world. This along with our ultimate bargaining capacity helps us tailor the best products which suits your requirements and budget. We guarantee the best available rates through our dedicated research team who continuously monitor and filter for the best deals in the online and offline travel world.

We use the latest technologies available for communication, booking and payments which gives you a hassle-free world-class travel management experience

  • Since we are IATA accredited, all the major international airlines ticket stocks are available in our travel outlets we can issue or reissue tickets according to the lowest combination principle for all domestic and international types of fares across our sales counter.
  • Laishore World Tours would like to offer its esteemed customers and corporate clients with the best competitive rates for both airfares & Holiday packages with all your travel needs.  We do not charge any extra to your firm for reissue, refund, revalidation or date change (Only the airline charges will apply for all these type of services) our professional travel consultants will efficiently handle all your travel management.

    Special exclusive deals and offers given by the airlines to Laishore World Tours will be offered from time to time to concerned clients.

    Regarding Group movements we can negotiate with any airlines for special group fares and deals. Especially on First and Business Class.

     We can coordinate with Airlines to obtain very Special Fares that can be cheaper than Market Fares and should be on Case-to-Case Basis.

  • believes in strong business networking. We will be able to extend all our offers and promotions to all offices under your esteemed organization. We will regularly update our clients with the latest development in the travel industry by doing some travel presentations occasionally, where these kinds of presentations normally shared between a particular airline/hotel/DSM and Laishore World Tours to our valued customers and to understand the ever-growing requirements of our clients.

  • Our modern website and advanced GDS system will be able to fulfill all your travel needs by online and will communicate to you by the latest technology like e-mail, mobile SMS, whatsApp, Skype etc. Contacts can be made through our dedicated call centers too ( 24 X 7)


Explore GoWilds Real Adventure & Travels

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Tent Camping

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Fishing & Boat

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Mountain Biking

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Adventure climbing

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Are you ready to travel?

Ready to travel with real adventure and enjoy natural




Hang Gliding

Who We Are

Great Opportunity For Adventure & Travels

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Who We Are

Great opportunity for adventure & travels

Safety First Always

Set perspiciatis unde omnis estenatus voluptatem totarem aperiae.

Low Price & Friendly

Quis autem vel eum iure voluptate velit esse nihile consequatur.

Trusted Travel Guide

At vero accusamus dignissimos ducimus blanditiis deleniti atque quos.

Ready to travel with real adventure and enjoy natural